This page provides links to halo catalogs for the Erebos N-body simulations that contain both spherical overdensity and splashback radii and masses. The catalogs constitute Rockstar catalogs that were enhanced with data computed by SPARTA, namely additional masses and radii. The MORIA extension then creates combined catalogs and merger trees in three formats:
- catalogs in the original Rockstar format (.hlist ASCII files)
- catalogs in the native MORIA format (hdf5, same information as hlist files but faster to read)
- merger trees in the MORIA format (hdf5, recommended for most applications)
Each of these formats is available for each of 14 simulations, which span two LCDM cosmologies (basically WMAP7 and Planck) as well as self-similar universes with power-law power spectra. The main purpose of the catalogs is to explore the effect of halo mass and radius definitions on structure formation and the galaxy-halo connection. Please see Diemer 2020 for details on the simulations, algorithms, and catalogs.
The online documentation for SPARTA should contain all necessary information to understand the catalogs. The catalog format is specifically documented on the MORIA catalogs and merger trees page.
The following publications form the basis of our halo catalogs and contain detailed descriptions of the algorithms. We kindly ask that you cite them if you use the catalogs in a publication.
- Diemer 2020 (description of SPARTA, MORIA, and the catalogs)
- Diemer 2017 (original SPARTA paper and splashback algorithms)
- Behroozi et al. 2013a (Rockstar halo finder)
- Behroozi et al. 2013b (Consistent-trees)
Depending on the catalog fields you are interested in, you may want to reference other papers (see the catalogs paper for the relevant references). If you are using splashback radii or masses, please see the splashback radius page for a list of possible references. Thanks!
The halo catalogs are available as a raw file listing:
The readme file contains a listing of the simulation names as written in the papers and their filenames. To download files in bulk or onto a server, you can use:
wget http://erebos.astro.umd.edu/erebos/moria_trees
wget http://erebos.astro.umd.edu/erebos/moria_catalogs
wget http://erebos.astro.umd.edu/erebos/moria_original
The hdf5 files can be read with bindings that are available for all common programming languages, such as h5py for python. The SPARTA repository also contains a python library for reading MORIA files. The hdf5 viewer is useful for a quick, visual inspection of the files.