This page provides details about the data release in conjunction with Diemer (2022a, 2022b). This paper presents simulated halo density profiles split into an orbiting and an infalling component based on the orbit of each particle. The data is computed using the SPARTA code.
The full data will be made available here as soon as the paper is accepted for publication. If you would like to use them in the meantime, please contact me.
In the journal paper, I could show only a tiny subset of the rich set of density profiles for halos with different mass (peak height), mass accretion rate, redshift, and in different LCDM and self-similar cosmologies. The following figures show a more complete picture. For simplicity, the figures are grouped into a few .zip files per paper.
Additional figures (Paper I)
- data_profiles_lcdm_nu.zip: mean and median profiles binned by peak height, for each cosmology and redshift. There are two sets of figures, where the profiles are separated into columns of redshift or peak height (nu). The former is designed for comparisons across peak heights and the latter for comparisons across redshift. The filenames are
where “md” and “mn” indicate median and mean profiles, and possible cosmologies are “wmap7” or “planck” (see paper for the cosmological parameters).
- data_profiles_lcdm_nu_gamma.zip: mean and median profiles binned by both peak height and accretion rate. Each figure shows one redshift (z = 0, 1, 2, 4). The filenames are
- data_profiles_selfsim.zip: the “selfsim” case refers to self-similar Einstein-de Sitter universes that are distinguished only by their power spectrum slope, n. Due to the self-similarity over cosmic time, all redshifts are combined for those simulations. The filenames are
profiles_selfsim_col<n,nu>_<md,mn>.pdf (all n, binned by peak height only, columns of nu or n)
profiles_selfsim_colGamma_nu_<from>_<to>_<md,mn>.pdf (all n, binned by peak height and acc. rate)
profiles_<cosmo>_colGamma_<md,mn>.pdf (one file per n)
In the last set of files, the cosmology can be “ss10”, “ss15”, “ss20”, and “ss25”, which stand for the self-similar cosmologies with n = -1 / -1.5 / -2 / -2.5.
- data_profiles_cosmo.zip: direct comparison of profiles for the WMAP7 cosmology at z = 0 and z = 4 and the self-similar cosmologies with n = -1.5 and n = -2.5. The filenames are
- data_profile_scatter.zip: 1-sigma scatter around the median profiles. The filenames are
Additional figures (Paper II)
- data_profiles_fits_nu_model_a.zip: fits of the fiducial model (also called Model A) to mean and median profiles of mass-selected samples. For the LCDM cosmologies, each plot has columns that separate redshifts. For the self-similar cosmologies, one plot has power spectrum slopes separated by column. The file naming scheme is
- data_profiles_fits_nu_model_b.zip: same as previous file, but for the Model B variant that enforces a slope of -2 at the scale radius.
- data_profiles_fits_nugamma_model_a.zip: same as the first file, but for accretion-rate selected samples. Every redshift or every power spectrum slope is now separated into its own file, and the plot columns separate the accretion rates. The naming scheme is
profiles_fit_<cosmo>_colGamma_<md,mn>_z<z>_moda.pdf - data_profiles_fits_nugamma_model_b.zip: same as previous file, but for Model B
- data_profiles_fits_model_dk14.zip: a combination of the mass-selected and accretion rate-selected samples above, but fitted with the DK14 profile model in two incarnations: with the beta and gamma slope parameters free (bgfree) and set to the values recommended by DK14 (beta = 4 and gamma = 8 for mass-selected samples, beta = 6 and gamma = 4 for accretion rate-selected samples)
- data_profiles_fits_individual.zip: a set of 140 individual fits that were randomly chosen from the samples for each cosmology and redshift. The format is the same as in Figure 5 in the paper.